Our people

We’re not a ‘one size fits all’ business. Our solutions are made to measure and our people are some of the best in the business.

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Alex Moss

Alex Moss

+1 (415) 378 1670

I have a passion for continual learning through new experiences. From attempting a new cuisine to moving to a new country, I feel the best way to grow is to put yourself in situations you haven’t had opportunity to before.

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#Consumer, #London

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Jeffrey Kirk

Jeffrey Kirk


Fostering an overall sense of wellbeing for myself and others is important to me. I love to spend my free time with friends doing just about anything, especially wine tasting (living in wine country – San Francisco – facilitates that!). I also value my solo time and am an avid reader and crossword puzzle enthusiast.

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Natalie Bright

Natalie Bright

(+44) (0)7554116498

Spending my time and energy with people I love is paramount – usually it’s over some hearty food, or while running after my very friendly, very cheeky dog.

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Carolina Starkhammar

Carolina Starkhammar


Good intentions and compassion are important to me. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Beyond the workplace, I’m a massive cooking geek and love experimenting and perfecting my food game. I can sous vide the perfect 63 degree egg, brew kombucha and cure my own salmon.

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Melanie Lewis

Melanie Lewis

(+44) (0)7443 974 714

Keeping a positive outlook and being optimistic is important to me. I’m the annoying friend who looks for the best in situations rather than letting you just rant about a problem. My favourite definition of an Optimist is someone who figures taking a step backwards after taking one forwards isn’t a disaster – it’s more like a cha-cha! That definitely sums it up for me!

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#Consumer, #Culture, #Financial, #Healthcare, #Technology

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Lizzie Eckardt

Lizzie Eckardt

+44 (0)7917 364485

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Harvey Barr

Harvey Barr


Being considerate of others is something really important to me, becoming a source of ironic agony as I naturally block everyone’s view at concerts. I’m most passionate about sports (if you can kick it, bounce it, or drive it), and if I ever say no to adding hot sauce – send help. 

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#business growth, #elevating insights, #Growth, #influence, #Insights, #Insights Teams, #Strategy

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Jake Ashton

Jake Ashton


I love to be challenged and put outside my comfort zone. Outside of work I am an avid surfer, runner, and movie watcher!

Our people inspire us

Kate, London

I’ve been at Incite as Director of People and Culture for three years now, and it has been quite the ride! Starting my role working from home, then getting used to being in an office again and ‘meeting’ my colleagues; being acquired by STRAT7 and becoming part of a fantastic group of agencies; growing the Group People team; it’s been an exciting and challenging learning curve.

I work with brilliant ‘People’ people, both in my team and across the group, and together we are always looking to improve our ways of working and implement new initiatives, to increase people happiness, satisfaction and ultimately, retention.

Outside of the People team, I have the privilege of working alongside some of the best in the research business, people who are curious, thought-provoking and high-performing, always pushing to be better and do better for our clients. It is the best place that I have worked in my 20-year career; I have found a home amongst a bunch of inspiring, inquisitive, and highly interesting people.

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Zoe Riering-Czekalla

Zoe Riering-Czekalla


Making sure my loved ones and I are happy, healthy, and well taken care of is one of my top priorities in life. I love expressing my creativity through cooking and baking, but when I’m not in the kitchen you can find me roller skating with my friends, reading a good novel, tending to my many houseplants, or hiking in one of our local Bay Area Redwood parks with my dog.

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Matthew Nulty

Matthew Nulty

+1 (845) 558 1415

I believe in lifelong learning and am always eager to absorb new information and skills. I love running, going to the theater, watercolor painting, and cooking or baking.

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#Storytelling, #Strategy

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Lauren Daniels

Lauren Daniels

(+44) (0)7721820143

The most important things to me are my family, friends, and my dogs! Having grown up in the countryside, exploring London has become one of my favourite things to do and I’ve loved trying all the things it has to offer.

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Nick Weston

Nick Weston


Senior Director

An energetic quantitative researcher experienced in data management, analysis and scenario modelling. Nick project manages with enthusiasm and relishes finding nuggets of opportunity within our clients’ insight sources.

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Tom Vogt

Tom Vogt


Our microprocessor-based world is certainly magical, but the mechanical age’s charm still fascinates me; I enjoy bicycling, film photography, woodworking, wood and canvas aircraft, and mechanical watches. Sharing my enthusiasm with others and triggering ‘Aha’ moments gives me great joy.

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Jo Farquhar

Jo Farquhar

(+44) (0)7443 824505

When not working, I’m most likely to be found on the water or up a mountain. The combination of being active in natural open spaces, with friends and family, fuels my energy – and is a good excuse for a glass (or two) or wine afterwards!

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#Storytelling, #Strategy

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Peter Hutton

Peter Hutton

+44 (0) 7745 739 726

Previously leading Market Research Teams at Heathrow, QinetiQ EMEA, and Sony UK, Peter is a research and business analysis professional who enjoys interrogating data to identify opportunities for clients to grow.

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Francesca Cooper

Francesca Cooper

+44 (0)7796 068922

Exploring London with friends and family is one of my favourite things to do, especially finding new eateries and drinkeries. Also, I can never turn down an opportunity to travel!

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Opportunities overseas

Alex, San Francisco

I joined Incite in 2016 – only my second full-time, ‘real’ job. I was drawn by the promise of a working environment that boasted interesting clients, interesting work, and interesting people. All three of those have rung very true in the intervening years and in combination support a truly engaging workplace that continues to challenge and evolve. Being surrounded by great people fosters ongoing, continuous development both through the London office where I started out, and the new opportunities I’ve experienced on secondment to the US business, working out of our San Francisco office.

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Shirley Xu

Shirley Xu


Living my life with love and compassion is my top priority. I really enjoy connecting with the outside world, whether it’s meeting new people or exploring new places with my loved ones (I’m a huge fan of the national parks!).

Nicco Capotosto

Nicco Capotosto

+1 (616) 795 3780

Travelling with friends is something I relish. Outside of work, I spend my time watching Liverpool, lifting, and listening to comedy.

Beth Clayden

Beth Clayden

+44 (0) 7990 562359

Senior Director

Having previously held senior positions at Interbrand, Publicis UK and Carlton TV, Beth is a Brand Architect who gets to grips with your brand and category and pinpoints how you can become more profitable.

Nazim Bhatti

Nazim Bhatti

+44 (0)7787 275944

Honesty and having ‘me time’ are important to me. In my free time I enjoy playing computer games and pool.

Renee Brandon

Renee Brandon

+1 (267) 788 4477

Family is everything to me. Outside of work, I enjoy cooking, physical fitness, and audiobooks/podcasts about history.

Elaine Kent-Smith

Elaine Kent-Smith

+44 (0)7980 851928

I like to make a difference; drawing on my own experiences to have meaningful conversations about a myriad of topics. Art, food, wine, and sports are passions of mine. And of course my two daughters, whose ever-changing needs and personalities are endlessly exasperating!

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#Our brand, #Planning, #Research, #Strategy

Heidy (NY)Calum E (London)Jo Z (London)
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