Our in-house viewing facility
How did we manage without one?
Moving to brand new offices – built to our exacting specifications – meant that we had the opportunity to design our very own viewing facility from scratch. And not before time: qualitative research has been a core part of our offer for over a decade and now accounts for almost a quarter of our revenues.
Teething problems
We didn’t get everything spot-on from the get go: consumers using pieces of stimulus to fan themselves during the height of summer alerted us to the fact that we’d forgotten about blinds (which were installed the next day) and a particularly thirsty client team (guess which sector?) resulted in us doubling our fridge capacity and alcohol deliveries.
We’ve been busy
Almost a year into active service the recording devices have rolled for over 180 hours on behalf of 20 different clients.
The facility has proved perfect for the diverse work we do here at Incite. We’ve explored everything from new treatments for multiple sclerosis through to baked beans. But perhaps the strangest sight has been people wandering around the studio, bumping into each other as they trialled the latest Virtual Reality headsets.
Our clients love it
You can’t get much more central than Soho Square, in easy reach of all London’s main train stations for clients who need to travel from out of town. And with Soho on our doorstop, clients are spoilt for choice – well over 100 restaurants – as they swipe through Deliveroo options. And of course, they have an unrivalled view of the new Crossrail development!
We love it too
And we’re loving the flexibility that the viewing facility and the neighbouring conference rooms and reception area provide: we’ve made maximum use of the space and creative opportunities to host recruitment evenings, breakout sessions during longer qualitative sessions, and full-day client workshops.
Come and see for yourself
If you’re in Central London with time to kill, we’d love to give you a tour.