Welcome to the Families of Singapore

Modern family life has changed dramatically in recent years and has become increasingly hectic, for parents and kids alike.

New technology is playing a role in transforming family life at a breath-taking pace and the way in which brands are consumed and bought within the household has become a puzzle that companies need to solve.

In Singapore, the modern family has changed massively in the last decade, with family size shrinking and couples choosing to start a family much later. The average household size is now 3.4 and there has been a decline in families having more than 1 child*. This impacts dramatically on family behaviour, attitudes and values, and there has been a shift from traditional values to newer, modern ways of living.

In short, the family and kids space is more complex, cluttered and, well, downright interesting than ever before. With this in mind, the Incite Singapore team is excited to be launching a new initiative that aims to dig deeper into modern family life to help us understand how (and why) things are changing.

We’ve set up our very own network of Families in Singapore, who will help keep us informed on what’s going on in their lives.

In keeping with Incite’s qualitative philosophy, we’ll be forging a deep relationship with the families, and they’ll be offering us more than just a snap shot into their world. By investing time and visiting them in their homes twice a year, Incite will observe the family’s day-to-day activities and habits, from shopping behaviour to media habits and much more.

We think that this new initiative will provide us with a rare lens into family life in Singapore, allowing us to track changes, predict trends and giving us a wealth of knowledge about family life.

We’ll be sharing our insights via our dedicated Families of Singapore microsite, which will include family albums, videos, posters and write-ups, bringing the families to life and allowing you to be part of the journey with us. We are also offering our clients a chance to ask a ‘burning question’ to the families.

This initiative begins in Singapore (the first visit happens in June), but we are hoping to expand this across our offices in London, New York and Shanghai, and build a global family network and perspective.

If you are interested in finding out more about the project or have a ‘burning question’ you’d like to ask the families, please get in touch.

Watch this space…


